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Special Needs Dentistry

At Shine Pediatric Dental Co., we take immense pride in our commitment to providing exceptional dental care to all children, including those with special needs. We understand that finding a special needs dentistry team can be especially challenging for families. Dr. Sarah Severson and our compassionate team strive to create a warm, welcoming environment that ensures every child and caregiver feels comfortable during their dental appointments.

Our mission is to provide dental care that is inclusive and considerate of the unique needs of every child. By offering personalized treatment plans, a sensory-friendly environment, and accessible facilities, we strive to ensure that all children with developmental, physical, mental, emotional, or other needs receive the care they deserve.

The Importance of Special Needs Dentistry

Dental care is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, regardless of a person's age or individual needs. For children with special health concerns, good oral health is essential for both their overall well-being and development. Dental issues, if left unaddressed, can lead to discomfort, pain, and even more severe health problems (sometimes requiring hospitalization.) At Shine Pediatric Dental Co., we recognize the importance of tailoring our services to cater to the uniquely diverse concerns of children with special needs.

Personalized Treatment for Every Child

Dr. Sarah understands that each child's care plan should reflect their own individuality. As their parent or caregiver, we highly value your input and family's priorities when it comes to the needs of your child. Our experienced dental professionals work closely by your side to gain a true understanding of your child's medical history, sensory sensitivities, communication preferences, and other relevant factors. This information allows us to craft a dental care plan that is not only effective but also considerate of the child's comfort.

For children with sensory sensitivities

For children with sensory sensitivities, we offer a sensory-friendly environment. We pay careful attention to lighting, sounds, and textures to create a soothing atmosphere that minimizes stress and discomfort. Our team is trained to communicate effectively with children who might have difficulty expressing themselves verbally, ensuring they are at ease throughout the appointment.

For patients with mobility challenges

For patients with mobility challenges, we offer accessible facilities to ensure a seamless experience from the moment they arrive at our practice. Our team is well-versed in assisting children with mobility issues, ensuring their safety and comfort throughout the dental visit.
Special Needs Pediatric Dentistry in Round Rock, TX - Shine Pediatric Dental Co.

Schedule Your Child's Appointment Today

Please let us know about any specific needs your child may have when you call to schedule your appointment. We will plan for their arrival and set aside extra time as needed.

Call Shine Pediatric Dental Co. in Round Rock for pediatric special needs dental care serving North Austin communities like Round Rock, Hutto, and Pflugerville. We also gladly accept Medicaid.

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